Title: ElsBeth and the Call of the Castle Ghosties (Cape Cod Witch #3)
Author: J. Bean Palmer and Chris Palmer
Source: Author Request
Genre: Middle Grade
Release Date: January 2, 2014
Reviewed by: Jasmyn
When their wild and free ancestral lands are threatened, three ancient ghosts need one of their clan from the living world. They call the Thistle heir from across the sea to the old country.
Almost-eleven-year-old ElsBeth Amelia Thistle, the youngest witch on Cape Cod, has her own need to unearth the family mysteries and to begin in earnest her chosen calling to protect the natural world.
ElsBeth uses the best she knows of science and magic (not so very different from each other, after all). But even with help from a curious cast of magical creatures she befriends, and her spirited classmates who've been swept along (including the beautiful feisty fashionista Veronica, a Wampanoag chief-to-be Johnny, and Frankie, who wants to follow in the footsteps of his prize-fighting Uncle Vittorio), ElsBeth is in way over her magic level -- and into older, odder mysteries than she could ever dream -- in an adventure just above the surface of reality.
Includes twenty-two original, full-color illustrations.
The third story in the Coape Cod Witch series is a great continuation of the series. We take off for Scotland with ElsBeth and the group in a 'borrowed' yacht. The kids haven't changed much though and soon it's up to ElsBeth to get them out of another not so great position. The reason behind ElsBeth's strange adventure are a little hazy at first, but we just get to figure out the answer as she does.
With some new magial creatures and a group of ancient ghosts determined to protect, there are many lessons to be learned. A recurring theme through the books is ennvironmentalism, and taking care of what we now to save it for others in the future. Some of the ideas and concepts are for kids a little older than the first two books in the series. There is a nice development as you read through them.
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