Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Only Dead on the Inside by James Breakwell ~ Review

Title: Only Dead on the Inside: A Parent's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
Author: James Breakwell
Genre: Nonfiction, Comedy
Length: 200 pages
Publisher: Benbella Books
Release Date: October 10, 2017
Source: Purchased
Reviewed by: Jasmyn

It's not easy being a parent these days. There are bills to pay. Kids to feed. And hordes of undead monsters to keep at bay.

There are plenty of guides out there about how to survive the zombie apocalypse. All of them assume readers are young, fit, and unencumbered by children. In that scenario, the only living humans left will be smug, outdoorsy Millennials. That's hell on earth, even without the zombies.

Only Dead on the Inside is the answer for the rest of us.

Written by professional comedy writer and amateur father-of-four James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn), Only Dead on the Inside blends traditional parenting advice with zombie survival tips, bringing together two totally unrelated genres in a book no one asked for but everyone needs.

This step-by-step manual teaches you how to raise happy, healthy children in a world overrun by the undead. Motivated moms and dads want it all, and that won't change at the end of the world. There's no reason you can't be a zombie killing machine AND parent of the year, but you have to work for it.

If you want to make sure your family is apocalypse-ready, Only Dead on the Inside is your best--and only--chance at survival. No pressure, but if you don't read this book, your children will die.

I first discovered the comedy of James Breakwell in Twitter when a friend re-tweeted a post from @XplodingUnicorn. His tweets quickly became a welcome comedic break from the day. I couldn't pass up his first book - a look at parenting in the zombie apocalypse.

First off, I forgive the two really bad typos. They made me giggle this time instead of annoying me. Second, while I really really wanted to read this straight through, I highly recommend taking a break between chapters. You'll want to make it last as long as you can. Each chapter takes a unique zombie-apocalypse-style look at parenting and how to make sure you (and maybe your kids) survive. On the surface, this may sound a bit ridiculous, but if you pay really close attention, you'll find crazy words of wisdom you never expected. Plus, you will be far more prepared should the zombie apocalypse actually happen.

Filled with useful graphs, cartoons, and strategies, Only Dead on the Inside is a book I recommend to just about everyone I meet now. I even read some of it to my fifteen-year-old, who promptly rolled her eyes and left the room, which is high praise indeed.

Breakwell's dry humor was quite refreshing and I still look forward to his tweets, now his newsletter, and I hear he has more on the way with a variety of projects.

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