Title: Romancing His English Rose (Lady Lancaster Garden Society #2)
Author: Catherine Hemmerling
Genre: Historical Romance
Source: Entangled Publishing
Release Date: September 9, 2013
Reviewed by: Jasmyn
Rose Warren and Simon Trumbull may have been betrothed since birth, but that doesn’t mean they have to like each other. Rose is sure the notorious playboy Simon will never willingly settle down, and Simon, well…he agrees. Never one to be forced into anything, he’d rather drink and gamble with his mates than spend time with the bookish, bespectacled Rose.
When the two are thrown together to investigate a potential poisoning mystery, neither expects the sparks that fly. Simon discovers that Rose is, in fact, a brilliant sleuth and—even better—hides a delectable body beneath her flowing skirts. Suddenly, falling into bed may be the best idea either has heard, but can Simon convince Rose his romancing is forever?
While part of a series, this book can be read as a stand alone.
Rose Warren wasn't your typical English historical female. She doesn't fit the typical idea of beauty for the time and she actually wears spectacles (I laughed when they used that word - it was great). But she's not ashamed of any of it. Partly because she doesn't need to try and catch a man this season - she's been engaged to Simon Trumball since they were both children.
Now Simon was a little more stereotypical - the womanizing rogue rebelling against the social norm. He's been this way since the day he found out he wouldn't be able to choose his bride, but had already been promised to Rose.
When Rose recruits him to help solve the a mysterious death she is determined was the result of poisoning, he realizes what he's been missing out on all these years. She's intelligent, strong, and determined - perfect. But he spent so long trying to avoid her that he's not sure she'll still want to take him. Their romance blooms throughout the story as they gather evidence and solve the crime.
The downside of this story was that it had a bit of a YA vibe to the writing - until there was a romantic scene. I love YA and I love romance, but they require different frames of mind to read and this one was a bit confusing in that respect.
Barnes & Noble: Romancing His English Rose
Amazon: Romancing His English Rose
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