Title: Weather the Storm (Rising Storm Season 1: Episode 7)
Author: Lisa Mondello
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Serial
Length: 104 Pages
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Inc
Release Date: November 5, 2015
Source: Purchased
Reviewed by: Jasmyn
Secrets, Sex and Scandals …
Welcome to Storm, Texas, where passion runs hot, desire runs deep, and secrets have the power to destroy… Get ready. The storm is coming.
Bryce Daniels faces a crisis of faith when his idyllic view of his family is challenged with his son’s diagnosis of autism. Instead of accepting his wife and her tight-knit family’s comfort, he pushes them away, fears from his past threatening to undo the happiness he’s found in his present.
This episode of Rising Storm knocked it out of the park! This time we finally meet the Daniels family. They have been background characters a couple times, but they take center stage in Weather the Storm. Bryce is the pastor of Storm, and his goal is to have the perfect family, the perfect life. Something the complete opposite of what he had growing up.
But life doesn't always give us what we want, even if we work tirelessly for it. When Bryce's son is diagnosed with autism, he goes into a tailspin. There's no ranting or raving, just a complete denial of facts. He seems to think that if he pretends it doesn't exist, then it will just go away. Through this process of denial, he also starts to lose touch with the rest of his family, especially his wife.
This episode was a little more down to earth and seemed like something a real family out there might actually be going through. There were some bits of drama surrounding their family, but it mostly focused on this family and how they tried to get through this life-altering news.
It's also the first episode to sort of wrap up a story! Don't get scared, there's plenty more drama around the corner, but this was a nice little breather from all the high drama and big characters.
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Rising Storm
Season One
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