Title: Ward Against Disaster (Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer #3)
Author: Melanie Card
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy
Length: 276 Pages
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Release Date: January 19, 2015
Source: NetGalley
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by: Jasmyn
Ward de'Ath should be dead by now. Instead, he’s chasing after a soul-eating creature—that he unleashed— and is bent on stopping her before she slaughters more innocents. Fortunately, Celia Carlyle remains by his side, a nobleman's gorgeous and deadly daughter, who is…well, dead.
Celia claims she’ll champion Ward wherever he goes, even when she thinks his quest is hopeless. He can only hope her pledge comes from her heart, and not because she’s bound to him through his magic.
I really enjoy how this series is evolving with one exception - Ward is a little whiny in this one. He is constantly overthinking everything he does with thoughts of how worthless and unpowerful he is. Even though everyone around him is trying to fix his idea of his personal worth, it just seems to do nothing. In fact, Celia begins to wonder about his powers and where they come from, and we get a pretty cool reveal as to what Ward can really do.
Ward, Celia, and Nazarius are tracking Allette to try and end her wave of murder. She leads them to Dulthyne where they discover something far more sinister than anything they could have imagined. This is going to be a no holds barred fight for Ward's very soul and it is super intense.
But wait, what about Allette? Well, she's in there just making the whole situation even worse. I really enjoyed this adventure but I wish Ward would stop wallowing a bit and just suck it up and do what needs to be done. Maybe after the crazy (totally didn't see it coming) cliffhanger ending, book four will see him finally come into his own.
*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*
Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer
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