Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Rare Find by Dale Mayer ~ Review

Title: Rare Find (Psychic Visions #6)
Author: Dale Mayer
Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance
Length: 292 pages
Publisher: Valley Publishing
Release Date: April 11, 2014
Source: Purchased
Reviewed by: Jasmyn

When people need help or are injured, they call out for their friends and family. When an animal needs help or is injured, it calls out for…anyone…that can help them… 

One person hears them… 

Tabitha is determined to bury her aching heart in the service of her animals at Exotic Landscape. Until she’s yanked out of her cozy retreat to help someone in need…and she gets more than she bargained for. 
Detective Ronin Chandler understands secrets. He’s got a few of his own. But when the woman he loves gets into trouble – the kind that stretches even his belief system – he struggles to understand…and to help…before he loses her. Maybe forever. 
As the danger escalates, Tabitha and Ronin need to find out who they can trust…and who they can’t…and who wants them dead…before it’s too late. 

Psychic Visions is one of my favorite paranormal romance series. They are stand-alone enough that I can enjoy each one individually, but there's enough crossover that you get to know the world and how it works. The world isn't so different than ours, it just has a variety of psychic powers.

Rare Find went a little to far into the psychic abilities for my personal tastes though. We actually meet Tabitha in book 5. A lover of animals, she has a special connection. That special connection is her ability to feel what they are thinking and find out what they need and want to be happy and healthy. This I can believe. But the next step in her psychic development just was a little too much - just barely.

Detective Ronin is a great guy - even if he is afraid of cats - like panic attack afraid. But he's fiercely protective and crazy smart and it's just what Tabitha is going to need. Their romance is an odd one because Tabitha isn't actually  present in the real sense throughout part of the book. But this dangerous situation only cements Ronon's feelings for her and insticts to protect her at all costs.

Rare Find was one of the more exciting additions to the series - with a good dose of action compared to some of the others. It was a real page turner that was a good step along the path of the series. I think what really stood out to me in this one was a gathering of characters and ideas from past books that seem to be coming together into something really big coming up.

More from Psychic Visions

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