Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Review: Pull Down the Night (The Suburban Strange #2) by Nathan Kotecki

Title: Pull Down the Night (The Suburban Strange #2)
Author: Nathan Kotecki
Source: Amazon Vine
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Release Date: Octoer 8, 2013
Reviewed by: Jasmyn

This year at Suburban High School is just as troubling as the last. A curly-haired girl ghost is disrupting lives with dreaded “kiss notes,” and students are inexplicably sinking into depression. Bruno—the new kid on the block—finds himself at the center of the mystery when he discovers his natural map-reading abilities are actually supernatural. When the reluctant hero isn’t engaged in cosmic battles against evil, Bruno is swooning over the mesmerizing Celia (from The Suburban Strange) and navigating the goth sensibilities and musical obsessions of the Rosary, her über-chic clique. A hypnotic coming-of-age novel that chills and thrills.

The Suburban Strange (The Suburban Strange #1): Review

Book Two wasn't quite as exciting for me as book one was.  There was still a lot going go, so the book moved forward a nice pace.  Two of the orginal Rosary members have left for college, but there are two new students that slip into place fairly nicely, Bruno and his brother Silvio.  Now Bruno starts off the year with a huge crush on Celia.  She seems to be the center point of the story again, even though much of the book followed Bruno this time instead.  

I really enjoyed Bruno - he was a very dynamic and interesting character.  We get to follow Bruno as he discovers he is Kind, and his experience is very different than the story we hear from Tomasi in book one.  His power is very similar, but manifests in a different and fun way.  We also meet another Kind that has found themselves at Suburban High that gives some interesting insights into things.  The ghost "haunting" the school is a familiar face that I was very happey to see.

The Unkind in this book takes a very different twist that I really loved.  There is also a gatekeeper type that we meet who has a lot of interesting things to say and do, expecially towards the end of the story.  A lot of the story was figuring the new characters out and showing how they fit in the grand scheme of things.  There just wasn't as much action as there was in book one.  Very interesting characters, but a little bit slower.  Still a great story, and I'll be watching for book three.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

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