Title: The Polaris Uprising (Polaris #1)
Author: Jennifer Ibarra
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia
Release Date: October 30, 2013
Reviewed by: Jasmyn
In less than seven years, eighteen-year-old Ryla Jensen will succeed her father as the president of Neress, a nation where all citizens are cared for from the moment they’re born. Fed, sheltered, even educated—every need of theirs is met.
The only price they pay is their free will.
Groomed since childhood to take on a role she’s not even sure she wants, Ryla’s only escape from the pressures of duty is her sister, Alanna. But when her eyes are opened to the oppressive regime her father built, she begins to question everything she’s set to inherit—and finds herself at odds with her sister’s blind allegiance to their father.
Torn between loyalty to her family and the fight for freedom, Ryla must decide just how far she’s willing to go to make a stand and risk losing the person she loves most in the world: Alanna.
The Polaris Uprising is one of the best science fiction books I've read in a long time. Ryla and Alanna were fascinating characters and I grew to love them both. Ryla is set to inherit the role of President from her father. She is being groomed to follow in his shoes and to make the tough decisions without looking back....but when she finds out the type of decisions her father has been making she has second thoughts. She realizes how opressive her father's rule has been, and what people are being made to give up every day.
Alanna, on the other hand, is there to support her father (and by default her sister), but when the two collide her loyalties will be tested - she will have some of the most difficult decisions to make. In an amazing and dystopian world full of just enough fancy technology to make it new, and just enough humanity to keep you locked into every page I finished this book in record time.
While the book does not end in a cliff hanger - I am eagerly waiting the next one so I can see how everyone's choices will play out.
*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*
Tour Schedue
February 17th
February 18th
February 19th
February 20th
February 21st
February 22nd
Great review this sounds like a very well built world and with compelling characters, too - I love that they're sisters! A great change of pace from the usual boy/girl scenario! Glad you liked it, Jasmyn! :)