Title: The Cinderella Seduction (Suddenly Cinderella #3)
Author: Hope Tarr
Source: Entangled Indulgence
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Fairy Tale Retelling
Release Date: November 11, 2013
Reviewed by: Jasmyn
Greek tycoon Nikolaos Costas has a debt to collect fro the Stefanopoulos family and he won’t leave until he gets his money. Stefanie Stefanopoulos has been tasked with entertaining—i.e. distracting—him while he’s in town, all in hopes of getting him to forgive the debt. She may not be an ugly duckling, but she’s a far cry from her petite stepsisters and she knows that the gorgeous playboy won’t even notice her. It doesn’t stop her from wanting him to, though.
Four months ago, Nick’s bachelor-style life was turned upside down. Now the sole parent to a seven-year-old daughter he never knew existed, Nick doesn’t have time for pleasure. But he hadn’t factored in Stefanie or the intense attraction he’d feel for her. As her seduction heats up, so do the stakes, both professionally and romantically. Can he let business go long enough to allow Stefanie into his heart?
Cinderella is one of the most romantic fairy tales in my opinion. Hope keeps the spirit of the Cinderella story alive in her newest book, The Cinderella Seduction. I loved Stephanie's character and her family played their parts in the story perfectly. Constantly relying on her to pick up the slack and take care of things, she never seemed to know how to say no. her step sisters were priceless. I could just picture them screeching in the background and complaining just like the original story.
Nick was an iffy prince charming at first. Known for trying a new flavor of woman every few weeks, he really didn't fit the mold of the traditional prince charming. But leave it up to an adorable seven year old to make a man change his ways for the better. He was chivalrous, charming, and handsome. His daughter managed to show him that being a prince charming was the better way to be.
Their story has a few ups and downs as it goes. Even though it dutifully followed the Cinderella storyline, there were a few surprises thrown in to keep things interesting and different. I may just have to go back and read the beginning of the series.
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