Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Deviate by Tracy Clark

Title: Deviate (The Light Key Trilogy #2)
Author: Tracy Clark
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Length: 356 pages
Publisher: Entangled: Teen
Release Date: March 3, 2015
Source: NetGalley
Reviewed by: Jasmyn

Tormented after a daring escape, Cora Sandoval must find a way to stop the Arrazi from murdering innocent people and from violating, using, and killing the Scintilla for their powers. She must also accept one bitter betrayal: Finn Doyle—the Irish boy who has both a piece of Cora's heart and soul—is Arrazi...

On the verge of extinction and sought by those who would either consume or destroy them, Cora and the remaining Scintilla survivors must solve the mystery of The Light Key. If they fail, the truth will stay buried forever and mankind will pay the ultimate price.

No longer will she hide.

No longer will her loved ones be hunted.

And she will have her vengeance...even if she shatters her heart in the process.

Lots of crazy stuff going on in this one. The love triangle exists - and it isn't as bad as some of them are - I understand this one at least. We have good guys turning bad, and bad guys turning good, and I'm pissed because people die (no way am I going to tell you who). There was almost too much going on at times. Lots of new characters and I had a small problem keeping them all separate (partly because I was trying to see what happened next and flew through the book).

One of the great mysteries will be revealed and it's a bit of a doozy. I didn't quite see it coming, at least not all the way. I think the highlight of the story was all the secrets and mysteries that were revealed. There are a couple big ones that shocked the heck out of me that I didn't see coming at all.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

The Light Key Trilogy

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